Neck pain treatment is a complex and delicate area. It is something we work on with some frequency at our Newark clinic. The neck has many strains placed upon it as it supports your head. It is often hurt in slow strains (postural, stress and worry etc.) or in accidents (Bumps, whiplash etc.)
Newark Osteopaths may be able to help you if you suffer with one of the following:
- Headaches, migraine, cluster headaches
- Neck pain, stiff neck, clicking neck, ricked neck
- Sore Shoulders
- Ear problems, dizziness, balance problems, tinnitus
- Head and face pain
- Delivery injuries in babies
- Fibromyalgia
Want to know how much treatment will cost? Click here to see our current prices.
Talk to us today to discuss how an Osteopath might be able to help with your neck pain or headaches. You can call us on 01636 611644 or you can make an appointment online for treatment.